Ahte Ts’aa Precision Well Servicing
Offering a Versatile Fleet of Well-Maintained Service Rigs
Ahte Ts’aa Precision Well Servicing is a partnership between Halfway River First Nation, Doig River First Nation and Precision Well Servicing to offer a versatile fleet of well-maintained service rigs for well completion, workover, abandonment, and re-entry preparation services.
Painted orange to recognize Every Child Matters and bring awareness to the benefit of utilizing these rigs, Ahte Ts’aa provides positive outcomes for two Nations. Developed to enhance the Halfway River Group’s inclusion in asset retirement work, Ahte Ts’aa Precision Well Servicing successfully works with Industry throughout Northeast BC with a focus on safety and efficiency.
Thomas Alford – President
P: 587-999-4684
E: thomas.alford@precisionwellservicing.com
More Key Benefits
Ahte Ts’aa Precision Well Servicing provides the ability for Halfway River First Nation to participate in all aspects of the well life cycle, including downhole scopes of reclamation projects.
Forestry • Mining • Energy • Oil and Gas • Environmental • Infrastructure
Let’s build the future together!
The Halfway River Group is proud to grow our business by delivering quality services. We are strongly committed to safety and dedicated to the long-term success of the Nation. If you have a project or an inquiry, let’s connect…