Tsaa Dunne Za Energy

A 100% Halfway River Owned Energy and Infrastructure Company

Tsaa Dunne Za Energy (TDZE) is an energy and infrastructure development company that is 100% owned by the Halfway River First Nation.

In July 2024, Province of British Columbia entered into a monumental agreement with Halfway River First Nation to direct award a natural gas tenure (mineral lease 67472) to the Nation. To administer this innovative endeavour, HRFN established TDZE as the company to manage and develop the direct ownership in mineral leases as well as the other supplemental energy infrastructure assets including pipelines, oil and gas production facilities and electricity infrastructure.

The Tenure – Mineral Lease 67472

  • 34,000 hectares of undeveloped Montney drilling rights in close proximity to the Halfway River community
  • Significant initiative with potential to advance self-determination for HRFN
    Ten Year Primary Drilling Term, and can be continued indefinitely through production activities
  • Contained within the HRFN Landscape Planning Pilot Project, which aims to trial new operational measures to mitigate the impacts of development on the Nation’s Treaty rights
  • Development anticipated to be undertaken through partnership with industry participants

BC Government News Release

Halfway River First Nation take steps to heal land, balance industry interests


Jim Stannard – Managing Executive
P: 587-999-4684 | E: jstannard@tdze.ca

Greg Kist – Managing Executive
E: gkist@tdze.ca

Benefit for HRFN

Tsaa Dunne Za Energy and the tenure award will allow HRFN to pilot new operational measures to mitigate the impacts of development while prioritizing the Nation’s key values of protecting water, connectivity to the land and spiritual places. Tsaa Dunne Za Energy working with selected industry partners, has the potential to create generational prosperity for HRFN families and positive outcomes for the Nation.

Forestry • Mining • Energy • Oil and Gas • Environmental • Infrastructure

Let’s build the future together!

The Halfway River Group is proud to grow our business by delivering quality services. We are strongly committed to safety and dedicated to the long-term success of the Nation. If you have a project or an inquiry, let’s connect…